Chase Bliss x Dream Date Designs

Social media isn’t always the best thing on the planet, but one thing it’s GREAT for is letting us see all the cool stuff our customers and fans do with our gear. One such customer is Joshua Van Tassel, a drummer in Canada (with Shelford Channels, Newton Channels, and a 5024) who makes some pretty awesomely creative sounds:

Joshua wrote to let us know that he was starting a new company called Dream Date Designs and that he was doing a thing with Chase Bliss (of whom we are also fans). He asked if we’d ever consider loaning out some gear to capture their day of sonic experimentation, as the session was happening away from his personal studio.

Fortunately, we happened to have a demo pair of Newtons and an RNDI-S available – here’s what they came up with.

From Joshua:

“Scott, myself, and Zach at Chase Bliss were so impressed by how well the Newtons handled all the weirdness we threw at them – when it came time to go through and pick the best moments of the day everything just sounded so finished already. Besides some level balancing there was essentially no post work done on them.”

Thanks for the kind words, Joshua – we’re so glad this worked out.

p.s. we should say that we don’t always have demo gear available to loan out for all the projects people contact us about. With that said – if you’re doing something cool with our equipment, get in touch! We’d love to hear about it.

Featured Gear:

Customer Spotlight: Six Missing


RND: Now Available on Session Recall