Using the RNDI with a Fractal Axe-Fx

Guitarist Nick Mayer (Zach Williams) walks us through his rig, and tells us what it sounded like the first time he plugged his Fractal Axe-Fx III into an RNDI.

“I played a chord, and instantly could tell the difference. The FEEL…it was just inspiring to play with because It added an amp-like feel, an amp-like compression…it was everything that I’ve been missing by not playing amps.”

Nick’s going out from his Fractal into the RNDI, then the RNDI out to the snake for FOH. This is a trick we've seen done by a few other guitarists and engineers out there, and the feedback we've heard has been pretty stellar. If you've got a Fractal (or any other modeling amp) we recommend you check it out.

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